OES Programs

Muscogee (Creek) Nation Recycle Center

The MCN Recycle Center seeks to educate, promote, and provide recycling for employees and citizens, reducing the amount of recyclables in our waste streams.

Located at:   12675 Gun Club Rd, Okmulgee OK  74447


Water Quality Program

The MCN OES intends to protect, conserve, and improve water resources throughout the MCN through the reduction, prevention, and/or mitigation of factors that may contribute to the reduction of water quality.

Air Quality Program

MCN OES Air Quality Program aims to achieve our mission through a number of strategic goals: reduce and eliminate health problems caused by air pollution, achieve and maintain air quality standards for all criteria pollutants, and create high-quality, relevant regulatory programs and ensure they comply with federal, state, and local laws.

Climate Change

MCN recognizes the changes in significant weather events. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint and the footprint of our community. To build a foundation of our efforts we have weather stations with real time monitoring to collect data to study the climate change in our community.

Pesticides & Integrated Pest Management

The MCN OES intends to protect, conserve, and improve the environment and the quality of life of its citizens. The mission of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) & Pesticides Program is to educate employees and citizens about the dangers of using pesticides and other toxic products. We are also working to build partnerships with some local schools to provide information on the tools available to schools interested in establishing new or improving existing IPM programs.

Pollinator & Garden Projects

The MCN OES protects, conserves, and improves our land to promote the health of pollinators; which are critical to food and ecosystems; through conservation, education, and research. We partner with other organizations to support food sustainability in rural communities.

Solid Waste

The MCN Solid Waste Program provides dumpsters to rural communities within the Reservation to reduce open dumping in the Reservation. Open Dumps can introduce pollutants to ground water and the soil endangering human health and the environment. The Solid Waste Program also preforms open dump clean ups to remove these hazards and mitigate the danger to our communities.

Environmental Review

The MCN OES can assist with environmental reviews for current or future projects to help to determine whether the impacts are in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and all relative laws, regualtions, and authorities.  

Geospatial Department

The MCN Geospatial Department collaborates with the OES by providing GIS mapping services and technology to assist with compliance issues and other needs that arise.  In addition, the MCN Geospatial Department administers the MCN Brownfields Grant Program to identify, assess, and remediate contaminiated properties so they can be safely reused after clean up.

MCN Environmental Services

Housing Building
2591 N. Wood Dr.
PO Box 580
Okmulgee, OK 74447

Contact Us

Phone: (918) 549-2580
Fax: (918) 756-7669 | (918) 549-2965

Recycling:   (918) 549-2584 | (918) 549-2589


Hours of Operation:

Closed on Holidays

About MCN

Muscogee (Creek) Nation is a Federally recognized Native American tribe located in Oklahoma.  MCN is one of the 5 Civilized Tribes and is the fourth largest tribe in the U.S.